aream Press release


13 May 2024, 11:10

The expansion of renewable energies in Germany is still lagging behind the targets set in some areas. But the upward trend is impressive. New production records were set in succession last April. "But records are also necessary, because climate change will not wait and the demand for electricity will also grow rapidly," comments Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group.

6 May 2024, 12:34

Aream Group (aream) and Eiffel Investment Group (Eiffel), through its managed investment fund Eiffel Transition Infrastructure, have joined forces in April 2024 by creating Aream Solar Ventures. The joint venture will develop a pipeline of PV and battery projects over the coming years. Under the terms of the agreement, Eiffel will finance the majority of the JV’s future development costs and acquires 49% of the portfolio from aream. “We look forward to working with Eiffel, an experienced financial partner in the development of renewable energy projects”, comments Markus W. Voigt, CEO of aream Group.

29 Apr 2024, 15:54

The German government's Solar Package I has been fast-tracked through the Bundesrat and Bundestag. The aim is to further accelerate the expansion of solar energy. "The big gap in the package, however, is storage," criticises Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group. "Increased storage capacity could further reduce the costs of photovoltaics and reduce subsidies."

23 Apr 2024, 14:01

With the energy transition, municipal utilities are also facing a mammoth task. The necessary investments are huge and their realization will be a stress test for their structures. This is where the private sector can help. "Support for municipal utilities is provided in particular by those private players in the energy transition who not only have expertise in project development, but also in the structuring and financing of projects," comments Markus W. Voigt, CEO of the aream Group.



Leandra Kiebach

T: (0) 211 - 30 20 60 4-2
