aream Blog

As renewable energy markets in central and southern Europe become more saturated, pushing prices higher, some investors are looking to diversify their portfolios in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Combined with many hours of sunshine, strong wind yields and government support, investors should keep an eye on market developments.

Even at our partner schools in Uganda, which we were able to equip with solar cells in 2020 and are therefore now independent of the local power supply, living conditions have been greatly exacerbated by Corona...

In the real estate sector, it is considered the supreme discipline, but in renewable energies, project development was unknown for a long time. Yet project development creates value and helps implement the energy transition.

Hungary is becoming an increasingly interesting market for many solar players, with recent deals highlighting that fact. A few big names that have already invested in the Hungarian market or that are developing pipelines in the country include Iberdrola, Baywa and IB Vogt...

Private equity and venture capital investors have a special responsibility in view of the current ecologi-cal and also economic developments...