aream Press release


6 Apr 2020, 09:31

In the first quarter of 2020, the yields from renewable energies are clearly above plan: “Not only was there a windy start to the year, the sun also played its part and brought the wind and solar parks significant profits in electricity production,” says Markus W. Voigt, Managing Director of aream GmbH.

25 Mar 2020, 08:16

The corona pandemic is also causing confusion in the real asset world. While investments in renewable energies were long considered to be dependent on the state and distant from the market, the pendulum is now swinging: Almost every industry - from aircraft builders to container ships and especially real estate companies - is calling for the state and being rescued by it. Renewable energies, on the other hand, are emancipating themselves from the state and winning on the market. A comment by Markus W. Voigt, managing director of aream GmbH.

17 Mar 2020, 11:41

While stocks and bonds are rapidly losing value in the wake of the pandemic crisis, investments in renewable energies remain stable in value and continue to provide ongoing distributions. "We observe an enormously increased demand", says Markus W. Voigt, managing director of aream GmbH. "Especially institutional investors are looking for opportunities to generate ongoing income."

6 Mar 2020, 09:10

The corona virus is crippling large parts of the Chinese economy. In Europe, Italy is particularly affected; in other countries, as here, nationwide restrictions on mobility are conceivable. This also affects the energy supply. "Artificial intelligence and distributed working are the best way to ensure the performance of wind and solar parks and thus the energy supply," says Markus W. Voigt, Managing Director of AREAM GmbH, which specializes in investments in renewable energies.



Leandra Kiebach

T: (0) 211 - 30 20 60 4-2
