Holidaymakers and sun-seekers were disappointed by July. Overall, the past month was significantly too wet and rather lacking in sunshine. This also depressed energy production from photovoltaics, which fell short of its target values. For wind, the shortfall has also widened this year. "Investors are therefore well advised to base their portfolios on several pillars", said Markus W. Voigt, CEO of aream Group.
Production from solar energy reached 96 percent of target in Germany in July. Spain managed only 91 percent, the same as in the previous month. In contrast, the situation remained better in Italy, where the energy harvest was six percent above target.
Although the wind blew more strongly in July than in the previous month, German turbines still only achieved 84 percent of their target. Year-to-date, they are now 16 percent behind target, slightly more than the previous month (14 percent).
"The figures prove once again that anyone investing in renewable energies should diversify", says Voigt. This is because it allows shortfalls in one phase or in certain regions to be offset by surpluses at other times and in other places. Investments should therefore be spread across different forms of energy and locations in order to reduce the investment risk.
Leandra Kiebach
T: +49 (0)211 30 20 60 4-2